Thursday, June 18, 2009

Special, But Not a Blue Light Special.

There was a time when the furniture you saw in someone's home was unique. You weren't going to see it again and again, in everyone else's homes too.

Pieces back then weren't mass manufactured. They were created with craftsmanship. They made you say, "Wow."

There was a time when a piece of furniture was hand made with pride. Pieces of furniture were handed down for generations, preserving memories and moments of family and friends gathered together in the home.

When was the last time you placed a piece of furniture in your home that made your guests stop and take notice. When was the last time you bought a dresser that came with some history and a craftsman's pride?

You know you have a couple pieces in your home right now you're just waiting to replace. You know how much style and panache an antique dresser would lend to the room.

What are you waiting for? Scranberry Coop is close by. We've got some really beautiful pieces of furniture here. The kinds of pieces that you know you've always wanted. Come on, take a look around.

You can have one of the houses. You can have those pieces of furniture that make guests stop and say, "Wow."
Come to Scranberry Coop.
Say, "Wow."

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