Saturday, March 14, 2015

Elena Lebron Pagan is this week's Free Friday Facebook Gift Getter!

Scranberry Coop and Joey Badenov's Free Friday Facebook Giveaway goes to Elena Lebron Pagan this week. This week's Free Gift is a lovely authentic vintage bakelite set; one nail buffer with cover, and one lacing hook used for shoe laces, corseting, hair ribbons, etc.

We'll have Elena's vintage bakelite set waiting for her at Scranberry Coop, 42 Main Street - Rt 206, Andover, NJ. Elena, feel free to pick it up on your next visit, during business hours.
We do this every week. The Rules are here, they're always the same. It's all very easy-peasy. Just follow us on Facebook, and follow Joey Badenov to really increase your chances at free stuff. Every Friday afternoon we post that week's Free Friday Facebook Giveaway.

When you see it - share, like, and comment! We can't use those "facebook-owned" terms on the post so we'll say spread it around, give a thumbs up, leave some good words. In other words - Show Some Love!
The more love you show the more we'll know you want that Gift!

You have a day. We pick and post the Free Gift Getter the follow evening, Saturday at 7pm.
* Don't forget to check back to see if it's YOU! *

No forms to fill out, no purchase necessary, no personal information harvesting, and everyone is welcome! Past Gift Getters, dealers, children of all ages. It's just a bit of fun, just a way to say thanks to all our awesome online community.

The Free Friday Facebook Giveaway is something different every week. We've been doing this for years now. Join in on the fun!

Come find your treasure at Scranberry Coop!

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